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And now a little something for the lawyers and members of the thought police... is a Star Wars fan fiction website.  All stories contained on this website are original works and feature characters, locations and other intellectual property owned by Lucasfilm Ltd.  The purpose of this website is to promote my skills (or lack thereof) as a writer and provide entertainment for all readers.



My preferred writing method is in script format.  If you are used to reading novels, here is a brief explanation on how to read script format.

• Locations and scene headers are in bold.
• Descriptive text and actions are in plain text.  This text is usually a little "dry" compared
   to what you would read in a novel.
• Dialogue is indented with the speaking characters name in bold prior to the dialogue.

I've used a couple of different script writing programs and all of them have some subtle nuances in formatting.  I also ran into some formatting issues/restrictions when creating the website.  If you are an expert in reading scripts, please forgive any egregious mistakes on my part.





All stories are written with the assumption that the reader is familiar with various characters, locations, technology and concepts within the Star Wars universe.  Should you come across terminology that you don't understand, I recommend searching the databank pages on the official Star Wars website for answers:


If you are unable to find an answer on the databank pages, then the term you are looking for is likely an original creation of mine.




For those of you who (like me) are sticklers for such things, here is a timeline detailing when events take place.

Please note that the first cinematic episode is used as "year zero."

-625 - The events of The Betrayal of Darth Avarost
-37 - The events of A Bigger Fish
0 - The Battle of Naboo takes place (Qui-Gon Jinn dies).  The events of Fear of the Dark
+10 - The Clone Wars begin
+11/12 - The events of The Mysteries of Dagobah and The Kenobi Conundrum
+23 - The events of A Fool's Crusade
+32 - The Battle of Yavin takes place (Luke Skywalker destroys the Death Star)
+36 - The Battle of Endor takes place (Darth Vader dies, the Galactic Empire is defeated).  The events of

          The Liberation of Naboo and Two Against a World




An Interview from 2018​


In Defense of The Last Jedi



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